Dreams Take Flight


One's mind, once stretched, never regains its original dimensions.

Days Until Flight


Welcome To Dreams Take Flight | Ottawa!

One day each year, Dreams Take Flight Ottawa takes a large group of children from the National Capital Region and nearby communities on a fun-filled one day adventure to the Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Orlando, Florida.  

An aircraft is donated by Air Canada and crewed by Air Canada employees who volunteer their services.  A Volunteer Corps works throughout the year to raise funds for aircraft fuel, park admission and other costs, and to organize the logistics of this busy day. 

Flights, park admission, food, souvenir allowance, clothing and more are provided at no cost to the family. 

About Dreams Take Flight

Dreams Take Flight strives to increase a child’s bank of positive childhood experiences leading to better resilience, self esteem, self worth, and general mental health overall.

We are a national non-profit, 100% volunteer (no paid positions) run organization dedicated to providing the trip-of-a-lifetime to deserving children who have each endured a variety of hardships that may be medical, mental, physical or social. These children are generally from homes where the caregivers are not currently in a financial position to take the children on trips. Each year, 120 children from our community get to go on this trip.

The organization took wing in 1989, when a group of Air Canada employees in Toronto organized a trip that took 70 children with special needs on board a DC-9 aircraft to Walt Disney World in Florida. By 1997, the charity had expanded to service eight cities; Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax.

By the end of 2024, Dreams Take Flight has taken over 38,000 children to experience this one incredible day and are provided with a lifetime of memories and dreams of what can be possible